Not only is my illness "invisible," it makes me invisible. i've missed alot of fun activities, birthday parties, family events, friend nights out, sister nights out, work functions, paintball games, vacation plans, etc. If I do show up, I end up having to leave early. I'm usually asleep or in the bathroom. I felt like a ghost this summer.
I miss Chipotle, sushi, thai curry, and roti cannai.
I'm really happy if I get to switch to Humira instead of Remicade. Those 3 hr iv infusions kinda suck. And I already have a totally rad sharps container for my procrit needles.
mucus came back today. that 4 day break was nice while it lasted.
the best thing about UC is reading UC blogs by English folks - I love their manner of speaking/writing and turns of phrase. everything sounds better in a British accent.
That's true. You're absolutely right.
1 week ago
I say, that's jolly nice of you...
Hope the Humira gets working soon. And I really hope you get longer than a 4 day break next time.
Take care.
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