Monday, January 11, 2010

wotd: tired

i hate waking up tired. i am so wiped out today. i was tempted to stay home, but i'm glad i came in. my colleague is home sick today. if it weren't january, i may have stayed home, but i don't want to run out of vacation days before the end of the year. and i'm just tired, everything else is pretty ok *knocks on wood*

it just sucks that even when i try to take it easy, i still end up tired. and being tired just makes everything that much harder. which makes me cranky. i need a nap!

1 comment:

rake said...

I'm on SCD and I had the same fatigue problem for years.
In my case, I found that the problem was almost certainly a lack of zinc. Have you ever checked yours?
Pumpkin seeds are a handly source of zinc.