Thursday, December 24, 2009

so sleepy

yesterday was a rotten no good pain filled day, so today is already much better :) i'm just so tired. like, i haven't slept in days. like too tired to have fun. i just wanna sleep. but i'm stuck at work. i'll keep myself long enough to make it to the end of the day, then go home and pass out. that sucks. but at least i have a nice 3 day holiday weekend to enjoy -- i get to be awake and not be at work, woo hoo! or in a doctor's office or hospital, woo hoo!

i miss having a life, and making plans, and going out to do things. all i want to do lately is be home, be safe, be warm. be near a bed for when i'm too tired to move. i don't even like to make plans anymore, because i always cancel. this weekend i'll push myself -- mom's tomorrow, dinner with the family on saturday, folks coming over for football sunday. gotta get the house presentable. and if the pain comes back, i'll knock it out with percoset because the most challenging thing i'll have to do on sunday is decide how many pizzas to order.

i'm trying not to get too down, but i don't have enough energy to keep cheering myself up. i'm so fake happy and cheerful and smiley at work. it's alot of work! then of course around people this weekend, i'll be happy too. but when i finally get alone, it's hard to keep the bad feelings at bay. good thing i got all those goofy cat apps and vids on my ipod touch. if it weren't for surprised kitty, i don't know how i'd make it through the day.

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