Tuesday, August 18, 2009

diabeetus chekup

Got to Dr. J on time yesterday, however she was crazy overbooked from cancelling office hours last week. no prob, giants vs panthers preseason game was on so I could watch Delhomme and relive the playoffs... sigh

anyway, after the ill-informed nurse nagged me about eating more raw veggies and increasing my exercise, I tried to tell her that I was still flaring, following a low-residue diet, and getting some walking in, but it was hard due to the anemia making me feel totally wiped out. She said more exercise would make me feel better. I swear, that's the only thing this lady ever says to me -- oh look, a fat diabetic, better tell her to stop eating fatty food and go for a jog. like i need some skinny blonde telling me what i already fucking know. hey lady, how about you tell me how i can eat a salad without taking the express train to pain town? or how to eat veggies without cooking them to death or eating baby food versions. i'd love to eat carrots and celery and stuff, but my guts don't like it. I don't eat raw veg, most fruits, nuts, beans, dairy, or high-fiber breads and cereals. there's not much left. sometimes i just wanna pick up a case of ensure and call it a day.

anyway, after the fat-shaming and guilt-tripping, she left and Dr. J came in. My bloodwork came back and she's very happy. HDL is up to 57, LDL is down, triglycerides are down but still on the high end. other enzymes and whatnot are in normal range. woo hoo! a1c is 6.1. weight is stubbornly stable. which is alright. i basically gained back everything i lost during my hospital stay in may, but not more than that. since i've been eating like a snake lately (not eating for days, then pigging out), and not getting any activity other than moving from my bed, to my desk, to my bed, with a dozen or so trips to the restroom, it's not surprising that I'm not losing weight.

anyway, i was feeling pretty good yesterday, and finally got out of there around 9:30. there's where all my time is going, i waste hours waiting for docs to see me and phlebotomists to stick me and for walgreens to fill my damn prescriptions. that's when i'm not being held hostage at home by my intestines. being sick is expensive and time-consuming! but i think i hit all my deductibles for the year, so it's free drug time. now i can afford my bazillion office visit copays without worrying.

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1 comment:

Kelly L said...

I hear your pain and completely understand - It's frustrating... I hated going to Jenny Craig because all the counselors are telling you how to lose weight - when they themselves have NEVER had a weight problem... Still searching for some kind of weight loss program that I can tolerate and stick too...