Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Next year and next decade has to be better than this one

Feeling kinda pissy about this crap year and this crap decade, allow me to wallow in negativity a bit as I bid a fond farewell to this blasted decade and revel in flushing it down the toilet where it belongs. There will be other times to remeber the good tomes. This is not one of them. In the new year, I'll look back and focus on the good stuff, because only the good stuff is invited to come with me to 2010. The rest of it gets two middle fingers straight up after I dump it into the gutter and drive away.

2000: bush elected

2001: easy one, fucking terrorists blew up my city, made me afraid to open the damn mail, made everyone a bit nutso.

2002: dad dies while all these other assholes get to live

2003: (redacted)
2004: bush re-elected. Lose faith in humanity
2005: start having weird stomach issues. After a bazillion tests, told it's ibs.
2006: migraines and sinus infections won't go away. Have holes drilled in head.
2007: Ibs not actually ibs. A bazillion tests later rules out crohns, it's ulcerative colitis.
2008: diabeetus.
2009: spent the year as a guniea pig enduring the ulcerative colitis flare from hell. Sick enough to miss a bunch of good times but still well enough to work. I need a break - either let me be totally healthy or totally sick. Enough with this in between limbo crap. Maybe this is purgatory.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod touch

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