Tuesday, August 25, 2009


aside from my vibrating descending colon, my legs have also gotten into the habit of feeling twitchy. not as extreme, like a buzzing vibrating, but more like pinches that make me have to move. The worst part is when i'm trying to sit still, or sleep, I feel like I have to keep moving and it's freaking annoying. It seems to have calmed down today, but the last two days were really rotten. I asked Dr. J and she said it could be related to the anemia, so hopefully we get that under control soon. I'm bleeding alot less, which is good, but I'd love to be bleeding not at all. Here's hoping sept 16th gets the job done. i can deal with having a cycle of remicade-induced remission that wears off right before the next infusion, kind of like a predictable cycle of suck, instead of this constant "what the hell is today going to be like?" unpredictable bullshit.

and oh yeah, i have a serious slurpee addiction. today after quest, i got the biggest freaking cup there was and filled it to the brim with sugary, icey, caffeinated goodness. figured if i'm twitchy anyway, might as well enjoy being awake too. much better than being twitchy and a zombie, now even though I still I can't sit still, but I think it's funny :)

mmmmmm, frozen braaaaaaaaaains

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